Tag Archives: Ms. Kaye

Ms. Kaye Fashion 2.9

DJH S2E9: Dog Days
Aired: 1988

Steph mom 1

I’m amazed at how crisp Stephanie’s mom’s clothes are. She can do MY laundry anytime! Ms. Kaye is up bright and early in a yellow (?) turtleneck under a red sweater, with a khaki colored skirt.

steph mom 2  steph mom 4

Ms. Kaye has kicked it up a few notches now that Jerry has come over. They are getting cozy on the couch while she wears a silky royal blue blouse and some pearls. HAWT.

Ms. Kaye Fashion 1.7

DJH S1E7: The Best Laid Plans
Airdate: 1987

DJH1E7 Stephs Mom 1 DJH1E7 Stephs Mom

Here’s a little glimpse of what GROWN UP Canadians wore in the late 80s, according to Degrassi. Stephanie’s mom is wearing a blue suit and white blouse for her date. Not an inch of skin showing. Much different than her daughter 😉